Harmonization Project:
Stop Smoking Before Surgery
Funding Agency:
Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
Project Period:
November 2012 to October 2016
“Stopping before surgery will increase your chances of quitting for good.”
Principal Investigators:
Lucy Beck, Sonia Lamont, Cathy Adair
Nancy Viney, Sherri Tillotson, Joan Bottorff
Kerensa Medhurst, El Taylor
The goal of the Harmonization Project is to reduce the incidence of cancer in northern British Columbia. The team includes three partners: the Canadian Cancer Society, Northern Health and the BC Cancer Agency, who will work together with researchers from the University of British Columbia and Athabasca University to design, deliver and evaluate two cancer prevention projects. The first project, Stop Smoking Before Surgery (SSBS), will be conducted in two communities. This study will involve questionnaires and follow-up interviews with patients, as well as interviews with health care providers to evaluate a new initiative to strengthen support for smoking cessation among surgical patients. A developmental evaluation will assess strategies used to work together to deliver the SSBS. The findings will inform region-wide implementation of the SSBS, the development and implementation of a second cancer prevention project, and guide the Canadian Cancer Society’s future work to promote cancer prevention.
For further information: Please see: http://harmonization.ok.ubc.ca