Event History – 2016


The following is a list of events that the IHLCDP has sponsored or presented. Many of our presentations and workshops are available to view as a video or audio recording on our IHLCDP YouTube channel, so if you missed the event you can still access the information.  For events that have a recorded presentation, just click on the button link.

Event History from 2016

November 15

Indigenous Voices: Stories of serious illness and grief


Kali Leary, BSc, MBT, Director
First Nations, Métis & Inuit Cancer Control and the Underserved Populations Program, CancerCare Manitoba

Canadian Virtual Hospice launched Indigenous Voices to support quality care at end-of-life that is culturally safe and inclusive. In the video and print series, First Nations, Inuit and Métis from across Canada share stories about traditions, rituals and spirituality, experiences of care, after death ceremonies and grieving.

November 2

Aging at risk: The South Okanagan-Similkameen Rural Mental Health Project


  • Dr. Nelly Oelke, RN, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
  • Tracy Janzen, DipDH, Psychology Honours student, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Carolyn Szostak, Associate Professor, Irving K. Barber School of Arts & Sciences, Psychology, UBC Okanagan

Mental health is a significant issue for adults 50 and over and rural communities experience unique challenges. We will report on results from this rural mental health project conducted over the last two years.

October 14

If THEY build it, will THEY act?
ProjectMOVE – A novel approach for increasing physical activity among breast cancer survivors


Dr. Cristina Caperchione, Assistant Professor, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan

Hear about the innovative ProjectMOVE program that provides a real-world approach for increasing physical activity for breast cancer survivors by providing the women the opportunity to design and implement their own initiatives.

September 9

A win, win, win? Negotiating challenges, partnerships and public benefits in the development, evaluation and roll-out of public health interventions
Perspectives from the UK’s successful Football Fans in Training program


Dr. Kate Hunt, Professor
Associate Director, MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit
Institute of Health and Wellbeing
University of Glasgow, Scotland

September 8

Why might gender be important in the design and delivery of public health interventions?


Dr. Kate Hunt, Professor
Associate Director, MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit
Institute of Health and Wellbeing
University of Glasgow, Scotland

The presentation focuses on the key messages from Football Fans in Training, a weight management and healthy living program for overweight men.

June 15

Playing to strength: Leveraging masculinities to promote men’s physical activity and healthy eating


  • Ms Megan Klitch, Health Promotion Coordinator, Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division
  • Dr. Cherisse Seaton, Research Coordinator, Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Joan Bottorff, Director, Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, UBC Okanagan

This presentation focuses on the development, delivery and evaluation of POWERPLAY, an innovative, multi award winning workplace health promotion program designed to engage men. Key learnings and future directions will also be discussed.

May 30

Down on the farm: Understanding male farmers and mental health


Philippe Roy, PhD
Visiting Professor, School of Social Work, University of Montreal

This presentation focuses on a study describing the influences of masculinities on mental health practices among farming men, and the resulting recommendations.
Based on this research, Dr. Roy received a CIHR Award of Excellence in Sex, Gender and Health Research.

May 2

Assisted death: What everyone should know


Harvey Chochinov, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care at the University of Manitoba;
Director of the Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba;
Chair, Federal Panel exploring options for a legislative response to the Supreme Court decision physician-assisted death

March 24

Options for a dementia-friendly community: Experiences from Sicamous


  • Mr. Malcolm Makayev, Councillor, District of Sicamous
  • Dr. Mary Ann Murphy, Associate Professor, School of Social Work,  UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Elizabeth Andersen, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Gareth Jones, Assistant Professor, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, UBC Okanagan

The town of Sicamous is working together to create an inviting and supportive community for people with dementia, and their goals and strategies fro promotion the wellbeing of those living with dementia.

March 17

Tossin’ and Turnin’?  Sleep tips for seniors


Ronald Cridland, MD, CCFP, Diplomate, American Board of Sleep Medicine;
Kelowna Sleep Clinic

Kelowna Daily Courier – Shannon Linden

March 17

Okanagan Men’s Shed Open House


  • Art Post, President, Okanagan Men’s Shed Association
  • Wade Bottorff, Vice-president, Okanagan Men’s Shed Association

Kelowna’s ‘Men’s Shed’ replaces isolation with purpose in retirement – CBC Radio

Kelowna Daily Courier – Shannon Linden

March 16

Listen Up: Hearing and healthy aging for older adults


Theresa Durante, Connect Hearing

March 15

Singing makes everything better!


Nigel Brown, Executive Director, Sing for your Life Canada Foundation BC

Got rhythm? Getting to the HEART of atrial fibrillation


  • Dr. Frank Halperin, Cardiologist and Director, Atrial Fibrillation Clinic, Interior Health
  • Dr. Kathy Rush, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, UBC Okanagan
  • Ms. Anne Pistawka, Physiotherapist, COACH (Central Okanagan Association for Cardiac Health
  • Mr. Gerry Morrison, Patient Perspective

Atrial Fibrillation is the most common type of irregular heartbeat. Also known as AFib, it affects offer 350,000 Canadians and will impact many more in the future. Can we wipe out AFib-related strokes? Can healthy lifestyles help people stay in rhythm after AFib?

March 10

Senior’s Exercise Fair: Exercise is Medicine Open House

Facilitated by the School of Health and Exercise Science practicum students and the UBC Okanagan Exercise is Medicine Club

Seniors’ Exercise Fair – Global News Okanagan

March 9

Public transportation accessibility and options for seniors


Joyce Mainland, BC transit Training/Mobility Specialist

March 8

The Canadian Virtual Hospice Loss and Grief Interactive Tool for patients and families


  • Christopher MacKinnon, PhD, Faculty Lecturer, Department of Oncology, McGill University; Psychologist, Palliative Care Unit, McGill University Centre

Hear about the new online, self-directed modules designed to assist  people to work through loss and grief. Dr. MacKinnon describes how the free tool provides evidence-based information and includes the voices of patients and families to offer accessible grief support for all Canadians.

Canadian Virtual Hospice online workbook

Kelowna Daily Courier – Shannon Linden

March 7

So, YOU are in the hospital:
What to expect from your Interior Health hospital pharmacist during your admission


Lauren Hutton, BScPharm, ACPR, PharmD, RPh
Clinical Practice Leader, Pharmacy Department;
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Vernon Jubilee Hospital

March 3

Risk taking by older adults: Contradictions and controversies


Mary Kjorven, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Gerontology;
Nurse Continence Advisor, Interior Health

March 2

Am I kind? Person-centered wellness in residential care


Dr. Deanne Taylor, Regional Practice Lead; Research & Knowledge Translation, Interior Health

Kelowna Daily Courier – Shannon Linden

March 1

Savvy Seniors: New communication technologies and you

Facilitated by the Community Service Learning Program, UBC Okanagan

February 18

Early results from the Healthy Together Program:
An innovative family education model for children and their families


  • Dr. Anima Anand, Project Lead and Program Coordinator, The Bridge Youth & Family Services
  • Dr. Mary Jung, Assistant Professor, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan; Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar

Healthy Together is a family-education model integrating healthy eating, physical activity and relationship building to support children, youth and their families. The model, partnership and preliminary findings will be presented along with lessons learned from implementation across Canada.

February 2

Leveraging masculinities to strengthen men’s smoking cessation success


  • Dr. Joan Bottorff, Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. John Oliffe, Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science, UBC Vancouver

In Canada more men currently smoke than women and they experience challenges in quitting.  Men’s responses to a novel smoking cessation program, Dads in Gear, will be presented to illustrate how se-specific and gender-sensitive approaches can enable men to quit.

January 28

Canadian Men’s Sheds: Growth, Expansion, and Future Opportunities

Program and Presenters

  • Mr. Doug Mackie, Co-founder of Menshed Manitoba;
    Acting Chair of the Canadian Men Shed Association
    An overview of the development and growth of Men’s Sheds in Canada
  • Mr. Gene Mitran, Vanderhoof MenShed Society
    A Canadian Men’s Shed success story
  • Mr. Andrew Munroe, Knowledge Exchange Specialist
    Launch of the Canadian Men’s Shed Association website
  • Dr. Corey Mackenzie, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba
  • Dr. Kerstin Roger, Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
    Development of a toolkit to support the growth of new Canadian sheds

ShawTVOkanagan story

January 21

Fit for Life: Preventing frailty among older adults

Dr. Jennifer Jakobi, Associate Professor, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan

Frailty is not a fate of aging. Dr. Jakobi will address how frailty is often hidden, and how to identify it. Exercise to prevent frailty and maintain independence will be discussed.

Kelowna Daily Courier – Shannon Linden

January 19

BC Centre for Palliative Care: Providing leadership to promote excellence in palliative and end-of-life care


Dr. Doris Barwich, BC Centre for Palliative Care;
Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Palliative Care,
Department of Medicine, UBC Vancouver

The BC Centre for Palliative Care exists to collaborate with key partners to ensure access to innovative, compassionate quality palliative care. In this presentation, Dr. Barwich will share the Centre’s strategic plan and opportunities for collaboration.

January 18

Leveraging masculinities to strengthen men’s smoking cessation success


  • Dr. Joan Bottorff, Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. John Oliffe, Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science, UBC Vancouver

In Canada more men currently smoke than women and they experience challenges in quitting.  Men’s responses to a novel smoking cessation program, Dads in Gear, will be presented to illustrate how se-specific and gender-sensitive approaches can enable men to quit.