Ryan Wilson, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor of Teaching
School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
Contact Info
UBC Okanagan
1147 Research Road ART 160
Kelowna BC V1V 1V7
Tel: 250-807-8010
email: ryan.wilson@ubc.ca
web: School of Nursing – Ryan Wilson
- Assistant Professor of Teaching, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development
Self-care and education in Atrial Fibrillation
Cardiovascular disease
Health promotion
Patient-oriented research
Primary care
The Virtual Atrial Fibrillation Clinic: Improving Specialty Care Delivery in Rural Communities
PI: Kathy Rush
Co-Is: Andrade, J, Eves, N., Jackson, H., Loewen, P., O’Connor, B., Wilson, R.
Dates: 2016-2021
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Click here to see Dr. Wilson’s publications indexed in Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XhHtWVUAAAAJ&hl=en