UBCO researcher explores minimal food-monitoring as part of weight loss program

Seniors Daily Exercise

A UBCO study found that a weight loss approach that does not require self-monitoring produced significant results and other physical and psychological improvements.

Every New Year, people from around the world vow to improve their lives by setting resolutions.

Though well-intentioned, recent media reports suggest about 65 per cent of resolution-makers abandon their new habits within six weeks.

Though failure can be the most common outcome, one UBC Okanagan researcher says for those struggling with obesity, working to improve one’s health is a goal that shouldn’t be left behind.

Dr. Lesley Lutes is a Professor of Psychology in the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Director of UBCO’s Centre for Obesity and Well-Being Research Excellence. She says no matter whether a person thinks they have failed, or what date the calendar says, today is the ideal time to make a change.

Read the full story here: UBC Okanagan News