UBCO professor examines COVID-19 public health messaging

Seniors Daily Exercise

While there is a reluctance to incorporate positive COVID-19 messaging because of potentially creating perceptions of false security, new research suggests that by not providing positive outlooks, there is a risk of alienating and disengaging people aged 18 to 40 years.

COVID-19 has become a story of numbers. How many people fell ill, how many have died, the rates of infection, and the percentage of vaccinated—and unvaccinated—people.

But a new study published in the Public Library of Science journal says public health messages about COVID-19 don’t resonate with a large segment of the population. The study was conducted by UBC Okanagan’s Dr. Lesley Lutes and Simon Fraser University’s Dr. Scott Lear.

Dr. Lutes, who teaches psychology in UBCO’s Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, says their study looks at the disconnect between public health messaging and adults aged 18 to 40. The research determined that young adults feel highly responsible for protecting themselves and others against the spread of COVID-19. But they also face confusion when trying to comply with public health orders due to what Lutes calls inconsistent messaging and ineffective outreach strategies.

Read the full story here:  UBC Okanagan News