Small Steps for Big Changes Showcase

Small Steps for Big Changes

March 6th, 2019

On Monday March 4th, IHCLDP Associate, Dr. Mary Jung, Dr. Corliss Bean, and the Diabetes Prevention Research Group at the University of British Columbia hosted a knowledge sharing event that showcased the Small Steps for Big Changes program, a lifestyle counselling program that can help people make lasting dietary and exercise changes in order to lower their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This program is run in partnership with the YMCA of Okanagan and is hosted in the community at the downtown YMCA. The event involved 54 key stakeholders in diabetes prevention, including UBC students, faculty and staff, YMCA board of directors, managers, and frontline staff, and members of Interior Health Authority and the City of Kelowna, physicians, and program alumni and shared program successes and impacts over the past 18 months, as well as next steps for the program. Specifically, the partners are working to translate the program into the YMCA where frontline staff will be trained to deliver the program. This will aid in program contextualization in the community and sustainability.

To find out more about the Small Steps for Big Changes, please visit: