Walk, Talk ‘n’ Listen
A pilot randomized controlled trial

Funding Agency:
Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
Project Period:
“Targeting functional fitness, hearing and health-related quality of life in older adults with hearing loss.”
Principal Investigators:
Charlotte Jones
Justin Lambert, Rouzbeh Ghadry-Tavi, Kate Knuff, Marc Jutras, Jodi Siever, Paul Mick, Gareth Jones, Jonathan Little, Harry Miller, Colin Van Bergen, Donna Kurtz, Mary Ann Murphy
Background: Hearing loss (HL) is associated with functional fitness declines and increased risk for loneliness, isolation, dementia, depression, falls, hospitalization and premature mortality. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of a novel intervention to improve functional fitness, hearing and health-related quality of life, loneliness and social connectedness in older adults with HL.
Methods: In this two-armed randomized control trial, 60 ambulatory adults aged 65 years or older, with self-reported HL will be randomized into 1) the Walk, Talk ‘n’ Listen intervention: a 10-week exercise, health education, socialization and group auditory rehabilitation (GAR) or 2) GAR alone. Intervention sessions will occur twice weekly at a local YMCA. Session will include 45 minutes strengthening, balance and resistance training followed by 30 minutes of group walking and 60 minutes of interactive health education or GAR. The eight one-hour auditory rehabilitation sessions are based on the IDA institute GROUP online program and will include interactive sessions on education about hearing and hearing technologies, psychosocial support and enhancing communication skills.
Reports, Presentations & Publications
Targeting the psychosocial and functional fitness challenges of older adults with hearing loss: A participatory approach to program design. Marc Jutras, Justin Lambert, Jiyoung Hwang, Lisa Wang, Shane Simon, Talia Del Medico, Paul Mick, Harry Miller, Donna Kurtz, Mary Ann Murphy, Charlotte Ann Jones, Submitted for publication in the International Journal of Audiology.
Targeting Functional Fitness, Hearing and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults with Hearing Loss. Walk, Talk ‘n’ Listen. A pilot randomized controlled trial protocol. Justin Lambert, Rouzbeh Ghadry-Tavi, Kate Knuff Marc Jutras , Jodi Siever, Paul Mick, Gareth Jones, Jonathan Little, Harry Miller, Colin Van Bergen , Donna Kurtz , Mary Ann Murphy, Charlotte Ann Jones. Submitted: BioMed Central: Trials