START : Supporting Tailored Approaches to Reducing Tobacco – Decreasing Breast Cancer Incidence
Funding Agency:
Agency Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance/Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Project Period:
“…design and evaluate tailored messages to reduce girls’ tobacco exposure and, ultimately, decrease the incidence of breast cancer.”
Principal Investigators:
Joan L. Bottorff, Chris Richardson
Carolyn Gotay, Peter Hutchinson, Kenneth Johnson, John Oliffe, Pamela Ratner, Rebecca Haines, Chizimuzo T.C. Okoli
Active smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke during periods of breast development increases a woman’s risk of premenopausal breast cancer. The aim of this study is to design and evaluate tailored messages for aboriginal and non-aboriginal adolescent girls and boys about this new evidence to reduce girls’ tobacco exposure and, ultimately, decrease the incidence of breast cancer. The messages will be presented to adolescents participating in an ongoing longitudinal survey underway in British Columbia and evaluated in follow-up waves of data collection.