Barriers to accessing medical cannabis among individuals with chronic illness
Funding Agency:
Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, Research Interest Group Grant
Project Period:
“…The primary aim of the proposed project is to elucidate real and perceived barriers to access among medically indicated MC consumers. “
Principal Investigators:
Zach Walsh, Robert Callaway
Jamie Marshall, Susan Holtzman, Michael Woodworth
Health Canada initiated the medical cannabis program in 1999. However, despite official recognition of the need to provide for efficient administration of medical cannabis, evidence suggests that medically indicated Canadians face substantial barriers to accessing medical cannabis. These barriers are not well understood and the primary aim of the proposed project is to elucidate real and perceived barriers to access among medically indicated MC consumers.
Reports, Presentations & Publications
Walsh Z, Callaway R, Belle-Isle L, et al. (2013, November) Cannabis for therapeutic purposes: Patient characteristics, access and reasons for use. International Journal on Drug Policy, 24 (6), 511-516.
UBC’s Next Big Thing – Zach Walsh