Katrina Plamondon PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
Contact Info
UBC Okanagan
1147 Research Road ART 154
Kelowna BC V1V 1V7
tel: 250 807-8681
email: katrina.plamondon@ubc.ca
- Assistant Professor, School of Nursing,
Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan - Co-chair, Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research University Advisory Council
- MSFHR Scholar (2020 – 2025)
- Health equity
- Critical public and population health
- Integrated knowledge translation
- Health systems
- Global health
- Methods for engagement and inclusion
Gaining CLARITY in the prevention of youth suicide: from pilot to partnership
Co-PIs: Sana Shahram, Katrina Plamondon
Co-Is: Shelly Ben-David
Date: 2021-2022
Funded by: SSHRC Connection Grant
Beyond Vaccine Nationalism: Advancing Ethically-coherent Policy Action for Equitable Responses to Inherently Global Health Crises
PI: Katrina Plamondon
Co-Is: J. Dixon, R. Habibi, M. Johri, M. Karamouzian, R. Labonte, S. Murthy, and V. Rvitsky
Date: 2021-2022
Funded by: CIHR
Toward Equity- and Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice in Global Health Research
PI: Katrina Plamondon
Co-Is: Elliott, Susan J; Graham, Ian D; Nixon, Stephanie A
Date: 2021-2022
Funded by: CIHR
Rural Health Equity through Social Enterprise and Technology Synergies (RHE-SETS)
Co-Leads: Rush, K., Li, E.
Co-Is: Currie, L., Dow-Fleisner, S., Hasan, K., Jones, C., Kurtz, D.,Oelke, N., Pesut, B., Plamondon, K.
Date: November 2019 – October 2022
Funded by: University of British Columbia Eminence Program
The CLARITY (Community-Led Actions for Resiliency Important Throughout Youth) Research Program
Co-PIs: Sana Shahram, Katrina Plamondon
Co-Is: Shelly Ben-David, Melissa Feddersen, Deanne Taylor, Tom Kemp, Jocelyn Lynette, Leslie Bryant
Date: 2018 – 2021
Funded by: KGH Foundation, Blenk Family Fund, Interior Health
Developing an Evidence- Equity- and Community- Informed Agenda for Rural Health Research
PI: Katrina Plamondon
Date: 2019
Funded by: MSFHR
Uses dialogue and broad engagement to bring perspectives together in articulating an agenda to guide investments in rural health research in BC.
“There and Back Again”
PI: Katrina Plamondon
Funded by: MSFHR
Explores narratives of how people living and working in rural communities get back home after leaving to receive care in a referral centre.
Cultivating Youth Resiliency for Mental Health–the CLARITY Project
Co-PI: Katrina Plamondon
Funded by: Kelowna General Hospital Foundation
Uses dialogue and collage-making to examine the community-based supports young people (and the caring adults around them) need to foster resilience and contribute to suicide prevention
Harmonized Health Impact & Partnership Metrics
Co-I: Katrina Plamondon
Funded by: Canadian Partnership for Women & Children’s Health
Introduces principles of equity into the process considerations of global health research partnerships, with a particular interest in identifying ways to support people in understanding how their partnerships are working from the different perspectives of people involved
Migrant Workers Study
Co-I: Katrina Plamondon
Funded by: Vancouver Foundation
Interventional study looking at the impact of supporting migrant workers’ navigation of healthcare systems, including providing training and information to healthcare providers.
Consensus Methods in Integrated Knowledge Translation
Co-PI: Katrina Plamondon
Funded by: BC Support Unit
Examines the evidence supporting different consensus methods. My role involves a particular focus on methods of inclusion, using dialogue and arts-informed approaches.
Harmonized health impact and partnership metrics to accelerate knowledge sharing and utilization
Project Co-Lead, Phase II: Katrina Plamondon
Date: 2018 – 2021
Funded by: BC SUPPORT Unit: KT Methods Cluster
Harmonized health impact & partnership metrics to accelerate knowledge sharing and utilization
Co-PI: Katrina Plamondon
Date: September 2018 – June 2020
Funded by: Global Affairs Canada through the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health
Click here to see Dr. Plamondon’s publications indexed in Google Scholar https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=0B6Fq8oAAAAJ
Plamondon, K.M. & Bisung, E. (2019) The CCGHR Principles for Global Health Research: Centering equity in research, knowledge translation, and practice. Social Science & Medicine. 239 pp. 5 pages. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112530.
Plamondon, K. and Pemberton, J. (2019) Blending integrated knowledge translation with global health governance: A novel approach for wicked problems. Health Research Policy and Systems T[online]. 17 (24), pp. 10 pages. Available from: https://health-policy-systems.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12961-019-0424-3.
Dutton, S., Davison, C. M., Malla, M., Bartels, S., Collier, K., Plamondon, K., & Purkey, E. (2019). Biographical Collage as a Tool in Inuit Community-Based Participatory Research and Capacity Development. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1609406919877307.
Plamondon, K., Bottorff, J.L., Caxaj, C.S. & Graham, I. (2018). The Integration of Evidence from the Commission on Social Determinants of Health in the field of Health Equity: A scoping review. Critical Public Health: 14 pages. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09581596.2018.1551613
Plamondon, K. M. & Caxaj, C. S. (2018). Toward relational practices for enabling knowledge-to-action in health systems: The example of deliberative dialogue. Advances in Nursing Science. 41(1): 12 pages. Published ahead of print: Feb 2017.
Brisbois, B. & Plamondon, K. (2018). The possible worlds of global health research: A discourse analysis of normative documents. Social Science & Medicine.196(Supp C): 142-149.
Graham, I. D., Kothari, A., & McCutcheon, C. and on behalf of the Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network. (2018). Moving knowledge into action for more effective practice, programmes and policy: protocol for a research programme on integrated knowledge translation. Implementation Science. 13(1): 22. All authors (Ian D. Graham, Anita Kothari, Chris McCutcheon, Donna Angus, Davina Banner, Tracey Bucknall, Sandra Dunn, Michelle Gagnon, Wendy Gifford, Christina Godfrey, Bev Holmes, Tanya Horsley, Alison M. Hutchinson, Janet Jull, Susan Law, Martha MacLeod, Robert K.D. McLean, Kelly Mrklas, Tram Nguyen, Katrina Plamondon, Jo Rycroft-Malone, Shannon L Sibbald, Kathryn M. Sibley, Dawn Stacey, David Kenneth Wright, Euson Yeung) reviewed, critically revised and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Plamondon, K. & Hatfield, J. (2017). Using Dialogue-based methods to create normative principles for global health research. Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2.http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526423368
Plamondon, K., Walters, D., Campbell, S. & Hatfield, J. (2017). Promoting equitable global health research: A policy analysis of the Canadian funding landscape. Health Research Systems & Policy. 15(72): 14 pages.
Brisbois, B., Davison, C., Di Ruggiero, E., Hanson, L., Janes, C., Larson, C., Nixon, S., Plamondon, K., & Stime, B. (2016). Corporate sponsorship of global health research: Questions to promote critical thinking about potential funding relationships. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 107(4); e390-392.
Oelke, N., Plamondon, K., & Mendel, D. (2016). Using dialogic methods as a participatory knowledge translation approach to promote integration of nurse practitioners in primary healthcare settings. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 29(3):72-81.
Plamondon, K. M., Bottorff, J. L., & Cole, D. C. (2015). Analyzing data generated through deliberative dialogue: Bringing knowledge translation into qualitative analysis. Qualitative Health Research,25(11):1529-39.doi: 1049732315581603.