Olsen, Lise

Lise Olsen

Lise Olsen  PhD, RN

Associate Professor

School of Nursing
Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan

Contact Info

UBC Okanagan
1147 Research Road ART 164
Kelowna  BC  V1V 1V7

Tel:  250-807-9180
email:  lise.olsen@ubc.ca

web:  visit website

  • Assistant Professor, School of Nursing,
    Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
  • Active, safe and inclusive play for children
  • Understanding how parents balance issues of risk and safety for children
  • Role of equity related factors: gender, income, disability, chronic illness
  • Injury prevention experiences of families and children living with autism

A review of physical activity self-management in chronic illness
PI:  Lise Olsen
Co-Is:  Kathy Rush, Ali McManus
Date:  2014
Funded by:  UBC Okanagan Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Grant

Click here to see Dr. Olsen’s publications indexed in Google Scholar https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=D3COyPUAAAAJ


Olsen, L.L., Brussoni, M. Ishikawa, T. & Masse, L. (2013). Survey assessing father’s views on protecting children from injuries and promoting their engagement with risks. Canadian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Montreal, Quebec.