Gordon Lovegrove PEng
Associate Professor
School of Engineering (Civil)
Faculty of Applied Science, UBC Okanagan
Contact Info
UBC Okanagan
1137 Alumni Avenue EME 4267
Kelowna BC V1V 1V7
Tel: 250-808-9377
email: gord.lovegrove@ubc.ca
School of Engineering web: Gord Lovegrove
- Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science, UBC Okanagan
- Principal Investigator, SMARTer Growth Research Laboratory
- Founding partner of SMARTer Growth Partnership
- Departmental Science Advisor for Transport Canada and Infrastructure Canada
- Board of Kelowna Gospel Mission
Sustainable Communities
Health & Safety – Quality of Life
Sustainable Quality of life practices & empirical indexes
Green buildings: sustainable building materials and indoor air quality
Affordable Housing and Homelessness
Technological solutions to homelessness
Cohousing residential developments
Safe & Sustainable Transportation
Road safety benefits of sustainable communities (biking, transit)
Decarbonized rail technology (Hydrail)
Smart land use, planning, & development
Safe, sustainable road design
For more details on Dr. Lovegrove’s research program, visit the Sustainable Communities Hub: https://SustainableCommunities.ok.ubc.ca/
Selected research grants include:
Health & Safety – Quality of Life
SMARTer Growth Index
Assessing the ability to sustain a desired quality of life using empirical assessment tools in a UN SDG framework, with emphasis on social equity
PI: Gordon Lovegrove
HQP: Dina Alkharabsheh, Abdul Masoud, Ovi Mohamed
Date: 2022 -present
Funded by: NSERC Discovery Grant
Affordable Housing and Homelessness
Kelowna Homelessness Research Cluster – Technology Node
Support people experiencing homelessness obtaining social inclusion through obtaining digital inclusion
PI: Gordon Lovegrove
Co-PI: Eric Li
HQP: 王 雪歌 (Echo Wang)
Date: 2018 – present
Funded by: Kelowna Homelessness Research Collaborative, NSERC Discovery Grant
Industry Partner: Kelowna Gospel Mission
Okanagan Cohousing
Facilitating the Development of Affordable, Sustainable, and Socially Connected Cohousing Neighborhoods throughout the Okanagan Valley
PI: Gordon Lovegrove
HQP: Laura Chatham, Kate Moffat
Date: 2008 – present
Funded by: NSERC Discovery Grant
Industry Partner: Canadian Cohousing Network
Safe & Sustainable Transportation
Sustainable & Zero-Emissions Rail Technology for Passenger and Freight Rail in North America
PI: Gordon Lovegrove
HQP: Mohamed A. Hegazi, Tye Boray, Cassidy Murrell, Kaden Workun, Graeme Damberger, Alex White
Date: 2005 – present
Funded by: Transport Canada, NSERC, CFI
Industry Partners: Southern Rail of BC, Cariboo Rail, Hydrogen in Motion, Urban Systems, ArroWhere, City of Kelowna
Turbo Roundabouts
Multi-Lane Roundabouts Designed to Enhance Traffic Safety and Decrease Congestion; PhD Proposal
PI: Gordon Lovegrove
Collaborator: Scott Juniper
Date: 2021 p present
Funded by: NSERC
Industry Partners: City of Kelowna, TU Delft, University of Rotterdam
Interactive High-Level Safety Planning Model (IHSPM)
Sustainable road safety planning: Automated tool for practitioners to conduct proactive safety assessment of planned land use and/or transport projects
PI: Gordon Lovegrove
HQP: Vipul Garg
Date: 2012 – present
Funded by: NSERC Discovery Grant
Industry Partners: ITE, TRB, AASHTO, and FWHA
For a full list of Dr. Lovegrove’s publications, please visit https://sustainablecommunities.ok.ubc.ca/publications/
Select Publications
Paul, S., Lovegrove, G., Helbich, M. (2018) “Urban Form and Road Safety: Public and Active Transport Enable High Levels of Road Safety”, Integrating Human Health into Urban and Transport Planning, Springer
Gibbs, M., Lovegrove, G., & Lemay, L. (2017). Role of the built environment, including sustainable cities. In Engineering for Sustainable Communities: Principles and Practices. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784414811.ch05
Lovegrove, G. (2017) “Lighting, Noise and Vibration Control, and Air Quality”, ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES, ASCE.
Lovegrove, G. (2017a). Curitiba, Brazil: How did their civil engineers do it? From a city of slums to a sustainability leader in 30 years. In Engineering for Sustainable Communities: Principles and Practices. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784414811.ch24
Lovegrove, G. (2017b). Lighting, noise and vibration control, and air quality. In Engineering for Sustainable Communities: Principles and Practices. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784414811.ch17
Randolph, D., Liban, C. B., Lovegrove, G., & Beiler, M. R. O. (2017). Access and mobility: Integrating sustainable transportation with the built environment. In Engineering for Sustainable Communities: Principles and Practices. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784414811.ch10
Grammenos, F., Lovegrove, G. (2015) “Remaking the City Street Grid: A Model for Urban and Suburban Development”, McFarland – on fused grid (Dutch Safe Systems) neighborhood safety research
Lovegrove, G. (2007) “Road Safety Planning: New Tools for Sustainable Road Safety and Community Development”, VDM Verlag, Dr. Müller, Berlin, Germany
Lovegrove, G. R., & Sayed, T. (2007). Macrolevel collision prediction models to enhance traditional reactive road safety improvement programs. In Transportation Research Record (Issue 2019). https://doi.org/10.3141/2019-09
Technical Reports
CLASP (2014) “Innovative Infrastructure Solutions for Safer Active Transport: Case Studies from Canada”. Report prepared for the for the Joint Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineering (CITE) Technical Liaison Committee (TLC) / Healthy Canada by Design (Coalitions Linking Action & Science for Prevention) CLASP Initiative, UBCO School of Engineering, Kelowna, BC. (P-I).
Swanson, A., Finn, N., Drdul, R., & Lovegrove, G. (2013) “University of Calgary TDM Plan”, DA Watts & Associates, Calgary, Alberta.
ITE Safety Council (2013) “ITE Informational Report: School Site Selection, Design, and Transportation”, ITE Safety Council, Washington DC.
De Vries, J., Barss, P., & Lovegrove, G. (2012) “Promoting Safe Use of Roads & Pathways for Vulnerable Road Users: A Review of Canadian Promising Practises”. Report prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada, Kelowna, BC. (P-I; GRL contribution 90%).
Hostland, C., Johnson, J., Roberts, D., Lovegrove, G. (June 2013) “Sustainable Indoor Environments: Addressing consequential sickness from indoor mould exposure utilizing policy to effect change in the provision of health care”, Provincial Select Standing Committee on Health, Province of British Columbia, Victoria, BC. (GRL contribution 40%)
Morrison, E. & Sonmor, D. & Lovegrove, G. (2011). “Sustainable Glenmore Community Research: ComPASS Phase 1 Report”. Prepared for the City of Kelowna, Kelowna, BC. 95 pages. (P-I; Dr. Momer of UBCO Geography Department contribution 10%)
Published Peer Reviewed Papers
Hegazi, M. A., Hoffrichter, A., Andrews, J. L., & Lovegrove, G. (2021). “The development of a representative multidimensional transient duty cycle for in-service switcher locomotives.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. https://doi.org/10.1177/09544097211041874
Hegazi, M. A., Markley, L., & Lovegrove, G. (2021). “Examining the influence of battery sizing on hydrogen fuel cell – battery hybrid rail powertrains (Hydrail) for regional passenger railway transport using dynamic component models.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 48(5), 512–521. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2019-0464
Orvin, M. M., Ahmed, S. D., Fatmi, M. R., & Lovegrove, G. (2021) “Developing vehicular and non-vehicular trip generation models for mid-rise residential buildings in Kelowna, British Columbia: Assessing the impact of built environment, land use, and neighborhood characteristics.” Journal of Transport and Land Use, 14(1), 1249–1274. https://doi.org/10.5198/JTLU.2021.1872
Masoud, A. R., Idris, A. O., & Lovegrove, G. (2019) “Modelling the impact of fused grid network design on mode choice behaviour.” Journal of Transport and Health, 15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2019.100627
Shoji, T., & Lovegrove, G. (2019) “Integrating communication with conspicuity to enhance vulnerable road user safety: ArroWhere case study.” Sustainability, 11(10) doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/su11102761
Brubacher, J. R., Chan, H., Erdelyi, S., Lovegrove, G., & Faghihi, F. (2018). “Road safety impact of increased rural highway speed limits in British Columbia, Canada.” Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/su10103555
Twisk, D. A. M., Platteel, S., & Lovegrove, G. R. (2017) “An experiment on rider stability while mounting: Comparing middle-aged and elderly cyclists on pedelecs and conventional bicycles.” Accident Analysis and Prevention, 105, 109–116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2017.01.004
Hostland, C., Lovegrove, G., Roberts, D. (Nov. 2015) “Sustainable Home Health: An Integrated Approach to address Mold-Related Indoor Air Quality and Illness”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation, Volume:01,Issue:02, pp. 102-121, MIT, India.
Hostland, C., Lovegrove, G., Roberts, D. (Nov. 2015) “Economic Justification for Proactive Remediation of Private Homes of High-Use Asthmatics”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation, Vol. 01, No. 02, pp. 122-141, MIT, India.
*Masoud, A., Lee, A., Faghihi, F., Lovegrove, G. (Oct. 5, 2015) “Building Sustainably Safe and Healthy Communities with the Fused Grid Development Layout”, NRC Press, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42, pp. 1063–1072.
*Hostland, C., Sadiq, R., Roberts, D., Lovegrove, G. (2015) “HEALTH2: An Environmental Assessment Lay Tool for Home Health”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(4), pp.s 241-249.
Birdsall, M., Lovegrove, G. (2014) Feature Article: “Making the Case for Proactive Safety in Long-range Transportation Planning”, Interview with Dr Gordon Lovegrove, ITE Journal, 85(1), pp. 45-47.
Brown, D., Lovegrove, G., Tam, E. (2014) “How to Operationalize Sustainability in Civil Engineering Practice, Canadian Civil Engineer (CIVIL), 31(5).
Sun, J. & Lovegrove, G. (2013) “Comparing The Road Safety of Neighbourhood Development Patterns: Traditional versus Sustainable Communities”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(1), pp. 35-45.
Wei, F. & Lovegrove, G. (2012) “An empirical tool to evaluate the safety of cyclists: Community based, macro-level collision prediction models using negative binomial regression”. Elsevier, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 61, pp. 129-137.
Wei, F., & Lovegrove, G. (2011) “Sustainable road safety: A new (?) neighbourhood road pattern that saves VRU lives”, Elsevier, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 140-148.
Jenkins S.A., Rteil, A., & Lovegrove, G., (2011) “Sustainable Earthen and Straw Bale Construction in North American Buildings: Codes and Practice”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 866-8.
Khondakar, B., Sayed, T., & Lovegrove, G. (Oct. 2010) “Transferability of Community-Based Collision Prediction Models for Use in Road Safety Planning Applications”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 10, pp. 871-880.
Lim, C., Sayed, T. and Lovegrove, G.R. (Feb. 2010) “Community-Based, Macrolevel Collision Prediction Model Use with a Regional Transportation Plan”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 2, pp. 120-128.
Lovegrove, G.R. and Sayed, T. (2007) “Macro-Level Collision Prediction Models to Enhance Traditional Reactive Road Safety Improvement Programs” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record No. 2019, pp. 73-82.
Lovegrove, G.R, and Litman, Todd (2000) “The UBC Universal Transportation Pass (U-Pass): A Social Cost Benefit Analysis”, Trek, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Media and UBCO TV
Hydrogen Locomotive being developed for BC railway (May 17, 2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKvw2YBCooo&ab_channel=EnergiMedia
Kelowna Cohousing: Monthly Meeting for the Cohousing-Curious (May 10, 2022): https://www.cohousing.ca/news-events/kelowna-event-220510/
Conversion to EVs a slower road for commercial transportation in BC by Christopher Cooper (April 6, 2022): https://www.worldautonews.co.uk/conversion-to-evs-a-slower-road-for-commercial-transportation-in-bc/
Truths, Myths and Kelowna’s Transportation Master Plan (December 9, 2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koI6Mi-IjRk&t=2540s
No quick fix in sight for road and rail repair in B.C. by Chuck Chiang (November 23, 2021): https://biv.com/article/2021/11/no-quick-fix-sight-road-and-rail-repair-bc
The CP-KCS Rail Transaction and the History of the Railroad Industry (Oct 31, 2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8G3Fqv22os&ab_channel=CanadianBusinessHistoryAssociation
Government of Canada: Transport Canada’s Departmental Science Advisor (August 13, 2021): https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/transparency/transport-canada-s-departmental-science-advisor
“Green Goat” Hydrogen-Power Retrofit (June 29, 2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbbs0kUCuuw&ab_channel=HalfhideDesign