Carla Hilario PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
Contact Info
UBC Okanagan
1147 Research Road ART
Kelowna BC V1V 1V7
email: carla.hilario@ubc.ca
Twitter: @DrCarlaHilario
- Assistant Professor, School of Nursing,
Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
- Youth mental health and wellbeing
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health service use
PI: Carla Hilario
Co-Is: Parker, N. (PKU), Agyapong, V., Rittenbach, K., Russell, M.
Date: 2022-2024
Funded by: CIHR, Operating Grant: Addressing the Wider Health Impacts of COVID-19, $185,600
Investigating racism in youth mental health care: A mixed-methods youth-engaged study
PI: Carla Hilario
Co-Is: Pattison, R., Leatherdale, S., Paradies, Y., Agyapong, V., Scott, S., Storey, K., Carson, V.
Date: 2021-2024
Funded by: CIHR, Operation Grant: Early Career Investigator Grants in Maternal, Reproductive, Child & Youth Health, $210,000
Investigating the impacts of COVID-19 on the mental health of adolescents in Alberta
PI: Carla Hilario
Co-Is: Scott, S., Dimitropoulos, G.
Date: 2021-2024
Funded by: Women and Children’s Health Research Institute, CRISP, $20,000
Acceptance and Commitment to Empowerment (ACE) Intervention: Reducing HIV Stigma and Promoting Community Resilience through Capacity
PIs: Wong, J. (NPI), Hilario, C., Li, A., Fung, K., Vahabi, M., Narushima, M., dela Cruz, A.
Co-Is: Poon, M., Nin, X., Etowa, J., Salami, B., Liu, J., Owino, M., Sato, C., Brando, Y.
Date: 2021-2024
Funded by: CIHR Project Grant, $1,950,752
Creating Hope: Youth Suicide Prevention through the Co-design of a Peer Support Program
PI: Carla Hilario
Co-Is: Gilchrist, l., Richter, S.
Date: 2020-2022
Funded by: PolicyWise for Children and Families, Youth Suicide Prevention Grants
Click here to see Dr. Hilario’s publications indexed in Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=WLG1ZyQAAAAJ