Gibson, Deanna

Deanna Gibson

Deanna L Gibson PhD


Department of Biology
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science, UBC Okanagan

Contact Info

UBC Okanagan
3187 University Way ASC 368
Kelowna  BC  V1V 1V7

Tel:  250-807-8792

web:  visit The Gibson Laboratory website

IKBFS Dept of Biology: Deanna Gibson

  • Professor, Department of Biology, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science
  • Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Melius MicroBiomics (
  • Gut health
  • Intestinal microbiome
  • Gut immunity
  • Dietary lipids
  • Susceptibility to acute and chronic gut diseases like colitis

For more information about Dr. Gibson’s research see: Okanagan Stories: Gut Health

Novel bioengineered probiotics increase colonization and persistence in the gut enhancing bioavailability and their therapeutic potential for inflammatory bowel disease
PI: Deanna Gibson
Co-PIs: Laura Sly (UBC Medicine, Pediatrics), and Kirk Bergstrom (UBCO Biology)
Date: 2019 – 2021
Funded by:  Michael Smith Health Research Foundation

Click here to see Deanna Gibson’s publications listed in Google Scholar

Liu, Y., Brown, P.N., Ragone, D., Gibson, D.L., Murch, S.J. (2020) Breadfruit flour is a healthy option for modern foods and food security. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0236300.

Quin, C., Vollman, D. M., Ghosh, S., Haskey, N., Estaki, M., Pither, J., … & Gibson, D. L. (2020). Fish oil supplementation reduces maternal defensive inflammation and predicts a gut bacteriome with reduced immune priming capacity in infants. The ISME Journal, 1-15.

Verdugo-Meza, A., Ye, J., Dadlani, H., Ghosh, S., & Gibson, D. L. (2020). Connecting the Dots Between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: A Focus on Gut-Derived Metabolites. Nutrients, 12(5), 1434.

Quin, C., & Gibson, D. L. (2020). Human behavior, not race or geography, is the strongest predictor of microbial succession in the gut bacteriome of infants. Gut Microbes, 1-29.

Quin, C., Vicaretti, S. D., Mohtarudin, N. A., Garner, A. M., Vollman, D. M., Gibson, D. L., & Zandberg, W. F. (2020). Influence of sulfonated and diet-derived human milk oligosaccharides on the infant microbiome and immune markers. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295(12), 4035-4048.

Estaki, M., Morck, D. W., Quin, C., Pither, J., Barnett, J. A., Gill, S. K., & Gibson, D. L. (2020). Physical activity shapes the intestinal microbiome and immunity of healthy mice but has no protective effects against colitis in MUC2-/-mice. bioRxiv.

Quin, C., & Gibson, D. L. (2019). Dietary Fatty Acids and Host–Microbial Crosstalk in Neonatal Enteric Infection. Nutrients, 11(9), 2064.

Barnett, J. A., & Gibson, D. L. (2019). H2Oh No! The importance of reporting your water source in your in vivo microbiome studies. Gut microbes, 10(3), 261-269.

Kain, V., Van Der Pol, W., Mariappan, N., Ahmad, A., Eipers, P., Gibson, D. L., … & Halade, G. V. (2019). Obesogenic diet in aging mice disrupts gut microbe composition and alters neutrophi: lymphocyte ratio, leading to inflamed milieu in acute heart failure. The FASEB Journal, 33(5), 6456-6469.

Spielman, L. J., Gibson, D. L., & Klegeris, A. (2018). Unhealthy gut, unhealthy brain: The role of the intestinal microbiota in neurodegenerative diseases. Neurochemistry international, 120, 149-163.

Quin, C., Estaki, M., Vollman, D. M., Barnett, J. A., Gill, S. K., & Gibson, D. L. (2018). Probiotic supplementation and associated infant gut microbiome and health: a cautionary retrospective clinical comparison. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-16.

Tasnim, N., Abulizi, N., Pither, J., Hart, M. M., & Gibson, D. L. (2017). Linking the gut microbial ecosystem with the environment: does gut health depend on where we live?. Frontiers in microbiology, 8, 1935.

Mokhtari, Z., Gibson, D. L., & Hekmatdoost, A. (2017). Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the gut microbiome, and diet. Advances in Nutrition, 8(2), 240-252.

Haskey, N., & Gibson, D. L. (2017). An examination of diet for the maintenance of remission in inflammatory bowel disease. Nutrients, 9(3), 259.

Estaki, M., Pither, J., Baumeister, P., Little, J. P., Gill, S. K., Ghosh, S., … & Gibson, D. L. (2016). Cardiorespiratory fitness as a predictor of intestinal microbial diversity and distinct metagenomic functions. Microbiome, 4(1), 42.