Tanya Forneris PhD
Interim Director and
Associate Professor of Teaching
School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
Contact Info
UBC Okanagan
1147 Research Road ART 341
Kelowna BC V1V 1V7
Tel: 250-807-9569
email: tanya.forneris@ubc.ca
School of Health and Exercise Sciences web: Tanya Forneris
- Interim Director and Associate Professor of Teaching,
School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
- Post-secondary student health and wellbeing
- Community-based program development and evaluation
(*indicates student)
*Wuerstl., K.R., Ashford, K.J., & Forneris, T. (Submitted). Implementing Biofeedback to Help University Students Learn to Self-Regulate Their Stress Response: A Pilot Study. Student Success.
*Shaikh, M., Bean, C., Bergholz, L., Rojas, M., Ali, M., & Forneris, T. (2021). Integrating a sport-based trauma-sensitive program in a national youth-serving organization. Child and adolescent social work journal, 38 (4), 449-461.
*Hargreaves, N., Forneris, T., Sabiston, C., Berg, S., Kowalski, K., Ferguson, L., & Caperchione, C. (2021). “More than just another physical activity program”: exploring the GUM program for at-risk adolescent girls. Health Promotion International.
Bean, C., Shaikh, M., Kramers, S., & Forneris, T. (2021). Does context matter? Unpacking differences in program quality and developmental experiences across competitive and recreational youth sport. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 17479541211001879.
*Hargreaves, N., Forneris, T., Sabiston, C. M., Berg, S., Kowalski, K. C., Ferguson, L. J., & Caperchione, C. (2021). Influence of social support within a physical activity and psychosocial program for at-risk girls: Findings from the GUM feasibility trial.: Girls United and on the Move Feasibility Trial for At-Risk Adolescent Girls. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 14 (2), 3-17.
Bean, C., *Shaikh, M., & Forneris, T. (2020). Coaching strategies used to deliver quality youth sport programming. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7 (1), 39-51.
Shaikh, M. Bean, C., Forneris, T. (2020). Six Recommendations for Youth Sport Stakeholders when Evaluating their Programs. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11 (3) 165-182.
Gainforth, H. L., *Dineen, T. E., *Giroux, E. E., & Forneris, T. (2020). Teaching Behavior Change Theory in Canada: Establishing Consensus on Behavior Change Theories That Are Recommended to Be Taught to Undergraduate Students in Courses Addressing Health Behavior Change. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 2373379920906178.
Forneris, T. & Giardino, R. Implementing a Stress Management Protocol into a Peer Mentor Program: Research Findings and program implementation to date. Canadian Association of College and University Student Services, Toronto, ON, (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
Forneris, T., duManoir, G.,*Bruce, C., *Santos, A., *Yacyshyn, A. Reflections on the development of a graduate course in effective teaching and learning: Sharing an experience of parallel process and future planning. 15th Annual Learning Conference – Experiential Learning, Kelowna, BC, May 2019. (Workshop)
Hamilton, C, Forneris, T. Bottorff, J. L., & *Kopp, T. Assessing the feasibility of active study stations on a university campus. 23rd IUPHE World Conference on Health Promotion. Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand, April 2019.