june, 2018

16junalldayGet Ready ... Get Safe ... Go!


Event Details

A symposium for supporting safe and active recreation for Okanagan families living with autism

Plan to attend this day with speakers and discussion on topics of physical activity, recreation, and safety for families who have children or youth living with autism. Parents, caregivers, service providers, professionals, researchers and students are welcome.


Dr. Anita Bundy, Professor, Occupational Therapy; Colorado State University
Dr. Sandra Hodgetts, Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy; University of Alberta
Dr. Jean-Paul Collet, Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics; UBC
Mojgan Gitimoghaddam, PhD(c), Department of Pediatrics; UBC
Dr. Stephanie Jull, VP Programs and Training, Canucks Autism Network
Dr. Lise Olsen, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, UBC Okanagan
Dr. Ali McManus, Associate Professor, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, UBC Okanagan

Plus – panel presenters with local parents and service providers

FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC – Attend in person
Please REGISTER at GetReadyGetSafeGo



All Day (Saturday) PST


UBC Okanagan